Squirrel And Me
A little squirrel there on the terrace
Pokes and pokes into a big cloth she found there.
Is it a pantie or a shirt or a something?
What is she looking for in it?
Is it a grain attached to the cloth
or has she lost her ear-rings or the necklace?
no no no
I know what she looking for.
And she only told me that
lately she started feeling shy of being naked
when all around her clothe and clothe
not only their bodies but their souls too.
She told me
I am solid they are hollow, that is why
they need a wrap over their souls too.
The body is ok but the nakedness of the soul
they certainly could not reveal to all.
With body naked they could face some
but with the soul made naked
They Had It.
I wonder:
So what
What is new in that?
No comments please,
pleaded the squirrel.
You know what
Sometimes I feel if I too
Could adorn my beautiful soulful body
With some frilly, laced tiny clothies
And could dance and shout at the top of my voice
Look here I am with the wrap or without it
I Am.
I Am the Body.
I Am the Soul.
I Am the Creation.
:So what
Why do you make such fuss about it?
Your newly found curisoity to have your body wrapped in some frilly clothies.
You shut up.
I will do what I want to do
and would make a fuss too.
Watch it, if your clothes are
firmly attached to your body and oonh soul?
It's Ok It's Ok It's OK
Then bye bye
and there goes the squirrel
A little squirrel there on the terrace
Pokes and pokes into a big cloth she found there.
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